10001 Ways has launched a “Stewards of the Earth Challenge”. You simply have to accumulate 10001 points by adopting behaviors that fight climate change and save the environment.
Here’s how it works. Each month the staff at 10001ways.com will publish challenges to accomplish. Each challenge will have points attached to it. When you reach 10001 points you have become a Steward of the Earth! You won’t have to do all of them to get to 10001 points. There will be plenty opportunities.
Invite a friend along for the ride. Have your own contest and see who can get there the quickest! By the way, if you are already doing these things take the points! When you get to 10001 let us know and we’ll recognize you for your accomplishment.
February 2020
200 points – Contribute Children’s Cli-Sci Books to Library or School
When I talked to my grandchildren what they learn in school about climate change I found that the school had few if any books about it. The early grades are an important time to learn about environment. Now, however, there are a great number of what are called Cli Sci books for children. Take a 100-points if you buy a couple and donate them to a local grade school.
50 points – Use your cruise control on your car
It turns out the using the cruise control on your car delivers better gas mileage than not using it. So, if you rarely click that little button start today and gain 75 points. If you always do it, you can have 75 points too.
75 points – Use your razor more than a few times
Everyone is down on the impact of straws on the environment. Don’t forget the razor blades. Their impact is a bit sensational as well. So should we all go with beards instead. Sure, but if that is not for you consider getting more shaves out of each razor. If you take three or more shaves per razor you get 75 points.
100 points – Buy a toy for a child with no plastic in it or in the packaging
I remember going to the old downtown department stores in the 1950s. They weren’t very big, and they actually had stuff out on tables instead of shelves. On one of those tables were the toys. They weren’t individually wrapped. For the most part, they were in open boxes that you reached into and took as many as you wanted. There were balls and soldiers and tops and animals and puzzles etc. In those times many were made of rubber, wood, paper, cardboard or metal. Not so easy to find that stuff today but give it a try.
25 points – Use wooden toothpicks
There are scads of toothpicks on the market with exotic configurations. Most of them are plastic. I think that buying good old wooden toothpicks is a great way to provide a daily reminder to care for Mother Nature. I don’t buy the weak, flimsy wooden toothpicks. I get the strong pointed ones. They are also cool. Just think of those movies and TV shows where the hero has a toothpick sticking out of his mouth. None of those are plastic. OK, I can’t think of one right now, but I know there are some.
100 points – Read a book on the environment
There are hundreds of books on the environment. Read one. The fact is reading about what’s going is one of the best ways to inspire action on behalf of the planet. You don’t have to read the ones that will give you nightmares. Pick out one in your comfort level but still moves you down the road a bit.
I pledge to be a steward of the earth: to be conscious of the water I use, the chemicals I discharge, the energy I burn, the condition of plants and soil, the food I waste, the materials I consume and discard. I accept responsibility for the space I have been given. I do this in the name of all creatures who inhabit the earth, especially the ones to whom my space shall pass.