A chilly night did not keep her in.
Wrapped in her favorite tattered red jacket
Her blanket adorned with screened images of the National Parks
And her bit too large knitted hat,
She took her place at the far end of the porch.
Without the day’s wind she was quite comfortable.
She was out to watch
An expanse of the winter sky.
The new moon was not ready to show its face.
Orion’s majesty offered drama as usual
With his sword so carefully positioned.
She hummed the ballad about the Drinking Gourd
As she found the Big Dipper caught in the leafless branches
Of the massive maple tree.
Who else was around?
She could find Leo.
After all it was the meteor showers bearing his name
That brought her out in the first place.
Streaks of light didn’t disturb the myriad of stars
But they took center stage in this evening’s sky
As she watched as undisturbed as the stars.