What does climate justice really mean, Sneezing, and three different generational responses to climate change: How to handle climate anxiety in children, Young couples opt out and It's time to shape up old people (like me). All worth the read.

We hear the term “climate justice” repeatedly but what does it actually mean? The Mary Robinson Foundation has published a set of climate justice principles that help us all understand that climate justice is not just a static concept but an action plan. It would be worth everyone’s time to explore these principles. This article has copious links for those who want to become experts on climate justice.

Many of us are unaware of the ways climate change is affecting our daily lives. Here’s one that hits close to home. If you are like me, you may be sneezing more than in the past thanks to a changing climate. How does this bode for the future of our paper tissue supply? Read this article from a Rutgers University study.

The Daily Mail posted an article about children and their reaction to climate change. One of the more concerning elements of the climate story is its impact on the mental health of the very young. What can we do to help future generations cope? The first step is to understand how children react to news about a dismal future. If you can wade through all the commercial traffic on this page there is an interesting infographic that is worth looking at.

While children are trying to cope with climate change messaging, young married couples have figured out how to keep them protected from climate change anxiety. Don’t have any. This article from the Guardian explores the thought process that married young married people are going through when looking at the future. It calls into question the fundamental responsibility we have as human beings, propagate the species. It’s well written. Give it a try.

OK you old timers (myself included), it’s time to shape up! For generations we’ve talked a good story but haven’t always lived up to it. Boomers and Millennials are together in their concern about climate change, but we boomers aren’t always practicing what we preach. This article from Grist does a great job pushing us to examine our behavior. It also has suggestions about how to move older people to a more sustainable life style.